Good News Online Activities

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The Story of Jesus Film

The Story of Jesus Film

In the first century, a group of children meet together to talk about what they’ve seen and heard about Jesus. Some believe Jesus is the Son of God. But others think Jesus may just be tricking the people.

The children follow Jesus around, witness His miracles, and listen to Him teach. Jesus raises a girl from the dead, calls imperfect people like tax collectors to follow Him, teaches everyone to be kind and gracious to each other, and lets a woman wash His feet with tears. He teaches in parables no one really understands, calms a raging storm, gives sight to the blind, and helps those who no one sees as worth helping. He shows the children an amazing, powerful, and kind way to live. Benjamin and Sarah talk to the children watching their story about Jesus and what it means to believe who He is and accept Him as their Savior.


Stuck at Home


This set of 30 Stuck at Home Devotionals is designed to help kids deal with challenges they may be facing during this difficult time around the world. Each devotional has been carefully selected from our Wonder Devotional Series to help children recognize that God is still in control, and to give them practical help in relying on Him to help them through.

These devotionals will come to your email. You can print them for your child to read and think about, let them read it from your device, or forward it to their device. Reading and discussing each devotional along with your child would further enhance the value and may give you a springboard for further helpful conversation.


Other free online resources for staying at home.

Wonder-Fun Activity

Looking for a fun children’s activity? 

Geared for children of all ages, this activity book is filled with coloring pages, puzzles, activities, mazes, word scrambles, drawing activities, and much more. Wonder-Fun is an action-packed Bible activity book that shares the Good News of Jesus Christ and keys in Christian growth. The different activities help children to understand the truths of God’s Word. Visit for more information..


Do you wonder WHY?

Do you ever wonder WHY bad things happen in this world?  Check out how this video answers life’s tough questions.

Hey Kids,Check This Out: 

Virtual “GOD CAN” 
We want to pray for you and your family!   
Remember…Things happen in life we can’t do anything about, but God Can!

Click Below to write a prayer request! 

Call unto me, and I will show you great and mighty things. which you know not.
Jeremiah 33:3

Send Request